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3 questions to how to find your identity

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How to find your identity?

Even if you’re one of the lucky few who actually love your job, you probably don’t want your identity to be defined solely by what you currently do for a living.

Jobs and careers change, but there are some basic skills and qualities you use — or at least possess — no matter what you do to make money.

And yet it can be difficult for some to identify these traits in themselves and define who they really are outside of work.

Christina Wallace’s technique on How to find your identity

In a recent article for Fast Company, Christina Wallace, a senior lecturer in business administration at Harvard Business School, shares three questions she asks other people to get a clear picture of the unique skills and experiences associated with them. or outside of the work environment.

Here’s what you can do to replicate her test on How find your identity.

First find out who can give you the information you need. They should be people you trust and whose opinions you value, but that doesn’t mean you have to know them for years.

However, you want to choose people you’ve worked with and ideally are connected to in some way whether it’s a project at work or a volunteer group, social club or friendship.

Although Christina asked about 100 people to answer her questions — and got about 70 answers — you don’t have to go that far to find out how find your identity. This means that the presence of different people from different areas of your life will create more complex answers because of the wider range of perspectives.

Questions to ask a friend or colleague on how find your identity

Now that you have your people, decide how and where to ask them your questions. Christina met her contacts in person to chat over coffee, but if that’s not possible for you, a phone or video call will work just as well. Email or text should be a last resort: people tend to be a little more formal and reserved when writing than when speaking out loud.

Here are three questions Christina asked her contacts about How to find your identity:

3 questions to how to find your identity

 When have you seen me at my happiest?

What are you coming to me for?

How am I different from my peers?

Analyze the answers

As Wallace points out, the goal of this exercise is to “see yourself as others see you,” so absorb the valuable insights you gain. When she evaluated the answers to the questions, she found that they were relatively consistent, whether they came from someone she had worked with for decades or known for only a few months.

She also noted that rather than citing specific industry skills, her contacts identified a general “mindset, skill and setting” in which they saw her thrive.

Like Christinae, pay attention to the patterns you recognize when people answer your questions. Ideally, you’ll walk away from this experience with a better understanding of who you are at work and beyond.

Learn about 9 ways to find your true identity and discover who you are by Third Bliss

Strategies to start establishing a more solid and independent identity

Prioritize and examine your values and personal beliefs as these are basic aspects of identity
Find your own private space and spend as much time alone as possible
Make your own choices in life
Determine on the factors on how to achieve your ideals

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