What is Social Media Calendar?
Social media calendar is an online platform to store, manage and share upcoming posts to different social media accounts such as groups or individuals and it also allows to schedule by date. It is a fantastic tool for online marketers to share their posts, advertisements, links in a creative way in a short banner and post it to the social media group or individuals who are connected via the social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and many more. Influencer Marketing Hub shares 20 Social Media Calendar Tools for 2023 that also explains the features and pricing of many vendors.
Social calendar for the month of February.
Wednesday 1 : Transformational Tuesday >>> Video
People use Transformation Tuesday as a way to post transformational images of themselves by using hashtag in the description on social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, and others. Livewire shares popular trend and hashtag that many people use in few social media network.
Wednesday 2 : Monday Outfit >>> Video
Monday is also known as Moon Day. Most popular dress colors like white, red, blue, solver, yellow, silver or light grey are worn by fashion loving people. Pintrest shares 37 Best Monday Work Outfits ideas
Wednesday 3 : Wisdom Wenesday >>> Video
Pintrest shares 46 Wisdom Wednesday ideas and inspirational quotes about the big and little things which matters most.
Wednesday 4 : Throwback Thursday >>> Video
Throwback Thursday is a social media trend where brands and content creators share photos or other nostalgic content of themselves on Thursdays. Throwback Thursday content often accompanies #TBT or #ThrowbackThursday. Sprout Social shares Throwback Thursday (TBT) ideas.
Wednesday 5 : Saturday Vibes >>> Video
Saturday or Weekend vibes mean you are chilling or having a fantastic day. After a hectic and long week of hard work, study or other activities, the weekend is the most forward looking day. It brings the opportunity to relax with friends and family and spend a lazy and chill holiday. Check out 10 Saturday vibes ideas by Pinterest.
Wednesday 6 : Happy Holidays >>> Video not available
Wednesday 7 : Rose Day >>> Video
Rose Day is recognized on February 7 every year. On this day people give roses to the one they love to express their feelings. However, one doesn’t only need to give one rose to the spouse. We can give a rose to our parent or friend whom we love unconditionally. Rose Day also marks the start of Valentine’s week.
Wednesday 8 : Propose Day >>> Video
8th February is celebrated as a day to propose to one’s significant other and is mainly celebrated in India. A large number of young men give roses to propose to their potential girlfriend or boyfriend. It’s the second day of Valentine’s week. PROPOSE DAY – February 8, 2023 – National Today.
Wednesday 9 : Happy Chocolate Day >>> Video
The third day of Valentine’s week is celebrated as Chocolate Day when couples exchange chocolates and express their love for each other. But it becomes more special when someone shares their thoughts in a creative way. Happy Chocolate Day 2023: Best Wishes.
Wednesday 10 : Teddy Day >>> Video
Teddy Day 2023: Teddy Day is a significant day on Valentine’s Day and is celebrated by lovers to show their appreciation and love to their partner. Happy Teddy Day – February 10, 2023
Wednesday 11 : Inventors Day >>> Video
In recognition of the inventor’s outstanding contributions to the nation and the world, Congress, pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 140 (Public Law 97-198), designated February 11, 1983, as the birthday of Thomas Alva Edison. America’s most famous and celebrated inventors as National Inventors Day. National Inventors’ Day: February 11, 2023 – Census Bureau
Wednesday 12 : Hug Day >>> Video
Wednesday 13 : Kiss Day >>> Video
Kiss Day is celebrated on February 13 and is considered a golden day during Valentine’s week. This is the day when you express your love to your loved one in the most romantic fashion, where you express your love through feelings, not words. KISS DAY – February 13, 2023 – National Today
Wednesday 14 : VALENTINE DAY >>> Video
One of the most popular day is Saint Valentine’s Day which is celebrated every year on 14 February as an annual festival to share romantic love, friendship and appreciation with friends, families and close ones. This event has become one of the most profitable day for commercial purposes also. History of Valentine’s Day and why we celebrate it.
Wednesday 15 : Happy President’s day >>> Video not available
Wednesday 16 : National Pancake Day >>> Video
Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Tuesday is the day before Ash Wednesday (the first day of Lent), which is observed in many Christian countries by participating in confession and absolution, the burning of dates from the previous year’s Holy Week, finalizing one’s Lenten sacrifice, as well as eating pancakes and other sweets.
Wednesday 17 : Wellness Wednesday >>> Video
Wellness Wednesday is an informal occasion held every Wednesday morning of the week. The main aim of this day is to take care of yourself in the middle of the week and remind you of the importance of positivity, well-being and mental health, so it is believed that more motivation is needed. Small Business Trends shares some tips on Wellness Day.
Wednesday 18 : Battery Day >>> Video
Get charged on National Battery Day! Observed every year on February 18, the day celebrates the benefits that batteries provide in our daily lives. Today we’d be hard-pressed to find anyone in the US who doesn’t benefit from batteries. NATIONAL BATTERY DAY – February 18
Wednesday 19 : Friday Reads >>> Video
It’s a way to share what you’re reading on the Internet. It started as a hashtag on Twitter, but now it has a webpage, a Facebook page. Check out Deb’s Answers about FridayReads on WordPress.com
Wednesday 20 : Love Your Pet Day >>> Video
National Love Your Pet Day is a holiday celebrated on February 20th of each year, dedicated to showing appreciation and love for our furry friends. Pets enrich our lives in many ways, from providing companionship to helping reduce stress. 8 Ways to Celebrate National Valentine’s Day.
Wednesday 21 : Selfie Sunday >>> Video
Selfies – The Global Big Latch On
Wednesday 22 : Manicure Monday >>> Video
What are the different types of manicure? The main manicure types you’ll see are basic, acrylic, gel (including shellac), French, and dip powder. Pintrest shares 58 Manicure Monday ideas.
Wednesday 23 : Tip Tuesday >>> Video
Tip Tuesday provides information about marketing tips to help you create successful marketing initiatives, marketing strategies and development for your business and to increase revenue and grow your business. Tuesday Tips – Tribute Media
Wednesday 24 : Wednesday Wisdom >>> Video
Wednesday Wisdom is a great initiative for both community building and personal reflection. Roli Edema shares a collection of inspirational hump day gems on Wednesday Wisdom.
Wednesday 25 : Thirsty Thursday >>> Video
Thirsty Thursday (plural Thirsty Thursday) is a pseudo-holiday celebrated on Thursdays, with alcohol consumption and partying. Thirsty Thursday by Wiktionary.
Wednesday 26 : Feature Friday >>> Video
Wednesday 27 : WEEKEND VIBES >>> Video
Weekend vibes mean you are chilling or having a fantastic day. After a hectic and long week of hard work, study or other activities, the weekend is the most forward looking day. It brings the opportunity to relax with friends and family and spend a lazy and chill holiday. Pinterest shares 110 Best Weekend Vibes ideas.
Wednesday 28 : Startup Sunday >>> Video
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*All videos are 2 years old or less. Listing near me directory is not liable for the video contents and/or dysfunctionality.